Jacaranda mimosifolia seeds
Jacaranda mimosifolia seeds mature in September.Common Name: green ebony tree
Type: Tree
Family: Bignoniaceae
Native Range: Argentina, Bolivia
Zone: 10 to 11
Height: 25.00 to 50.00 feet
Spread: 15.00 to 30.00 feet
Bloom Time: June to July
Bloom Description: Blue-purple
Sun: Full sun
Water: Medium
Maintenance: Medium
Suggested Use: Flowering Tree
Flower: Showy
Native to Argentina and Bolivia, jacaranda is a deciduous tree that grows 25-50’ tall in its native habitat. In tropical and subtropical climates, it puts on a spectacular flowering display in spring to summer wherein blue-purple flowers cover the tree with bloom, forming pools of blue on the ground as they fall. Flowers (to 2” long) appear in 12-inch terminal panicles in spring and early summer. Flowers give way to flattened 2-inch capsules, each containing numerous winged seeds. In St. Louis, jacaranda may only be grown in containers. Container plants often do not bloom, so in areas such as St. Louis, it is grown primarily as a foliage plant. Features large bipinnate compound fern-like leaves (to 18” long) with tiny 1/2-inch leaflets. Leaves resemble those of mimosa, hence the specific epithet. Sometimes commonly called fern tree. Synonymous with Jacaranda acutifolia.