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Phoenix sylvestris seeds

Phoenix sylvestris seeds

Phoenix sylvestris seeds mature in Oct, around 800 seeds in 1 kilo. Phoenix sylvestris (sylvestris - Latin, of the forest) also known as Silver Date Palm or Sugar Date Palm, is a species of flowering plant in the palm family native to southern Pakistan, most of India, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Bhutan, Burma and Bangladesh. It is also reportedly naturalized in Mauritius, the Chagos Arhipelago, Puerto Rico and the Leeward Islands.
Preparing to collect sap at Jessore, Bangladesh
Growing in plains and scrubland to 1300 m, the fruit from this palm species is used to make wine and jelly. The sap is tapped and drunk fresh or fermented into toddy. The fresh sap is boiled to make palm jaggery in West Bengal state of India and Bangladesh.
The plant is known as "Wal Indi", "val Indi",(වල්ඉංදි ) by Sinhalese people in Sri Lanka. The word `Phoenix`in the Latin name came from Greek and means "purple". while `Sylvestris` means "wild". The leaves may be used for making mats, bags etc. The tree is tapped to make a toddy or palm wine.
  • Details

    P. sylvestris ranges from 4 to 15 m in height and 40 cm in diameter; not as large as the Canary Island Date Palm, but nearly so, and resembling it. The leaves are 3 m long, gently recurved, on 1 m petioles with acanthophylls near the base. The leaf crown grows to 10 m wide and 7.5 to 10 m tall containing up to 100 leaves. The inflorescence grows to 1 metre with white, unisexual flowers forming to a large, pendent infructescence. The single-seeded fruit ripens to a purple-red colour.

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